Off grid PV | Engineer Company Liakos Consulting & Construction

Off Grid PV

What is Off Grid PV?

Off Grid Photovoltaic operation is similar to the one of Grid PV, with the difference that they are not connected to the network and the electricity produced is not sold to the PPC. In this case the building is powered only by the electricity generated by the photovoltaic system. The excess amount of energy that is not consumed directly is stored in batteries and is ready for use if needed, especially at night or on cloudy days when there is no production.

When should I choose Off Grid PV?

Installing an Off Grid PV system is best recommended for buildings that are either too far from the grid and their connection to it is too expensive or for any other reason that makes connection to the grid impossible. Moreover, they can be quite efficient for non-residential buildings, such as cottages with generally low energy requirements. However, for buildings in continuous use that are already connected to the grid or can be easily connected, Grid PV systems should come first to the customer’s choice, because they cost less, the excess energy generated is not wasted but sold and the pay-back period of the investment is quite shorter than Off Grid PV.

Our Company undertakes the design, procurement and complete installation of the PV System. Moreover, we inform the customer about the proper usage of the system and provide long-term maintenance services.